Category: Event Planning
Diverse group of friends cleanup a park during a charity event

Budget-Friendly Retreat Ideas for Non-Profits

Your team has worked diligently to fulfill your mission all year, from doing weekly food drops to even participating in early morning car washes in order to fundraise. The majority of your non-profit’s budget is allotted to your programs, but you still want a day to celebrate the people who make your organization’s mission possible and keep up the morale for future successes. Your team needs to feel appreciated and have the opportunity to provide feedback so your organization may continue to grow. 

With a little time and effort, you can trade in your next quarterly meeting for an organization-wide retreat that focuses on your team and do so without breaking the bank. 

3 Fun Retreat Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank

A retreat is a great way for a non-profit organization to relax, regroup, restrategize, and also plan their fundraising goals for the rest of their fiscal year. It does not have to be too expensive but can still be fun, celebratory, and productive! Here are some foolproof ways to host a budget-friendly retreat:

Company Picnic

As the saying goes, the way to people’s hearts is through their stomachs. Treat your own team to an outdoor company picnic. Enjoying a communal meal outside while discussing the non-profit’s goals and strategies is a relaxing and effective way to spend the day while still focusing on your company’s mission. 

If you are really tracking this year’s budget, make the picnic a potluck and have everyone bring their favorite side dish to share with others and enjoy! Additionally, many donors might be interested in sponsoring the lunch. 

Physical Activity 

Balancing all the responsibilities that come with a non-profit organization can be stressful, and sometimes you just need to shake it off. 

Planning a day outdoors with a game of volleyball or golf included can do wonders for your team’s mood and spirit. If a big game of two-hand touch football doesn’t quite fit the vibe of your organization, that’s fine! You can still get up and leave the desk behind for a day with less physically demanding events like a scavenger hunt or board games. Consider making the games specific to your organization, and personalize each event to optimize the bonding experience. After relieving some stress, the team will be energized to begin strategic planning!

Anything That Is Not The Office

At the end of the day, any activity or event dedicated to your team and their successes will make a difference. Your non-profit organization is composed of committed volunteers and people who have dedicated their lives to your mission. The growth of your organization and fulfillment of your goals is why they are there in the first place. Here are a few free or relatively-inexpensive places to hold a retreat that are not the office: 

  • Local park
  • Library
  • Coffee shop
  • Local restaurants
  • Church

The younger your organization, the less money you have allotted toward your team, and that’s okay. But making sure they feel appreciated and involved in the decision-making process is key, and you can do that from anywhere. 

Let New Jersey’s Frogbridge Events Do The Planning For You

Planning the perfect retreat for your organization can be tough, especially with a budget restraint. Take the stress away and let Frogbridge Events’ dedicated team worry about the details. We plan all of the activities and have an extensive menu to choose from, so all you and your team have to do is relax!

For information today on how to make the most of your retreat day, please call us at (609) 208-9475 or use our online contact form.

Creative Retreat Ideas for a Non-Profit Staff

3 Creative Retreat Ideas for a Non-Profit Staff

If you’re hoping to foster relationships among your team, strengthen trust, and help generate fresh ideas for projects and initiatives, consider planning a creative retreat for your team. Not only does this provide an opportunity for members of your team to get away from their day-to-day work, but it also allows you and other team members to develop new ideas for projects and initiatives in the future. 

Volunteers, interns, and staff members have different needs when working in a non-profit organization. Because of this, it’s essential to find activities that cater to the interests of everyone in your office. With so many different creative retreat ideas, narrowing down which one will best suit your needs can be challenging. Check out these great ideas for creative retreats that could easily be adapted for your non-profit staff.

What Makes a Good Team Retreat?

A good team retreat for non-profit organizations should allow the team to brainstorm new ideas, escape the everyday grind, and experience something new together. Some great retreat ideas include ropes courses, escape rooms, and other fun activities that help build teamwork and communication skills. Good retreat planning includes ensuring enough time for the team to bond and relax and time to focus on work goals.

Plan a Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Retreat

Consider planning a non-profit retreat that’s sustainable and eco-friendly—planning a non-profit staff retreat that is sustainable means incorporating best practices into the event from start to finish. This includes everything from how the event is marketed, to what type of food and drink is served, to how waste is managed.

Event planners should work with the non-profit leaders to determine the goals for the retreat and then use that as a guide for making decisions about all aspects of the event. For example, if the goal is to build team cohesion, then activities and programming should be designed with that in mind.

It’s also important to think about sustainability when it comes to budgeting for the event. Many non-profits have limited resources, so it’s important to consider how those resources are allocated. One way to do this is to seek sponsorships or partners who can help offset some of the costs associated with the retreat.

By being mindful of sustainability from start to finish, event planners can help create a retreat that is enjoyable for attendees and has a positive impact on the environment.

Plan for an Art Class

If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to add some excitement to your next non-profit retreat, consider offering an art class. It’s a great way to get everyone involved and thinking outside the box. Plus, it’s a great way to support your local artists and businesses. All you need to do is plan and find a reputable instructor.

Invite Family and Play Family-Friendly Games

Planning a family-friendly game during your non-profit retreat can help engage staff members and invite families to participate. Including staff members’ families in the game can create a more fun and relaxed environment for everyone to enjoy.

Get Help Panning a Great Non-profit Retreat

A creative retreat can be a great way to improve performance in your company. The key is ensuring you have access to resources that make the stay enjoyable and productive for staff members. 

Suppose you want to ensure that your next creative retreat is perfect; partner with Frogbridge Events. We are focused on making it easier for companies to plan corporate events. Call  Frogbridge Events at (609) 316-5901 to schedule a consultation or contact us here.

Employees playing a game at a corporate event.

How a Corporate Retreat Can Help Overcome Communication Barriers

Every company thrives or fails based on how well teams work together, specifically how well they communicate. Proper communication is both critically important and also difficult to build naturally. Fortunately, there are ways to build corporate communication and break down the walls that keep team members from working well together. Take a deeper look at how a corporate retreat can help overcome communication barriers. 

Why Communication Is Important for Company Success

Communication is a vital piece of any successful business. When team members are able to work together, share their goals, and know how the company operates, they perform and feel better as employees. That leads to better customer service and happier clients and employees. 

Here are a few examples of how good communication can benefit your company: 

  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Improved customer retention
  • Reduced turnover rates
  • Improved productivity
  • Better time management

With communication and collaboration as the central focus of team building, your corporate retreat needs to help your staff overcome any barriers that might exist. This is easier said than done, but the right corporate retreat can make a huge difference in how your company performs.

Corporate Retreats Help Establish Company Culture                                                                                                                                  

While communication is important for just about every business, it’s especially critical for startups. Establishing the right company culture from the beginning is important for the long-term success of any company. 

A company retreat is an opportunity for team members to get together away from their regular work environment to interact and build relationships with one another. Retreats bring team members together to learn more about each other and the company they work for. It’s a chance for team members to find out how others approach their work, share their goals, and help each other succeed. 

How a Retreat Helps Overcome Communication Barriers

Communication breakdowns can happen in any workplace, even in offices where team members work closely together. When things go wrong, it can be easy for team members to point fingers and feel like they’re not working toward the same goal. 

A company retreat provides an opportunity for team members to get to know each other better and share a positive experience. A company retreat can help overcome communication barriers in a few different ways: 

  • Better understanding of roles
  • Improved communication skills 
  • Shared experiences

Communication barriers can be the difference between a successful team and a dysfunctional team. Use your next corporate retreat to break down these barriers.

Tips for Running a Successful Corporate Retreat

A successful retreat relies on more than just booking a retreat location. Here are a few tips to make sure your retreat is a success: 

Choose an Appropriate Date 

Any date can work for a retreat, but it’s important to avoid major holidays and vacation times when employees won’t be able to attend. 

Set Clear Goals 

What are your goals for the retreat? What do you hope team members walk away with after the retreat? Those goals should guide all of your planning. 

Create a Budget

Retreats can cost thousands of dollars, but they don’t have to. Create a budget that works for your company size, and stick to it.

Choose the Right Venue 

You don’t have to rent an entire resort for your retreat. Depending on the size of your team, you can find smaller venues. 

Get Help Planning the Perfect Corporate Retreat

A corporate retreat is a great way to bring your team together and can help with everything from better communication to setting up company culture. It’s important to plan for a retreat and be prepared to make it a success. 

Get help planning the perfect corporate retreat with help from Frogbridge Events. We specialize in event planning for enterprise and corporate-size organizations. Call us at (609) 208-9475 or fill out our contact form to schedule a call with someone on our team to discuss your next event. 

Employees wearing casual outfits at a company picnic. How you should dress for a company event.

How to Dress for a Company Picnic

So you’ve been invited to a company picnic. The opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and the company of your coworkers is enough to make any day of the week more enjoyable. What, though, are you supposed to wear to these events?

It can be difficult to know how to dress for a company picnic, particularly if you’ve never been to one before. Let’s break down your options together so you can feel comfortable but professional at your upcoming event.

Things to Consider When Dressing for a Company Picnic

There are several factors you need to consider as you’re dressing for a company picnic. The weather, location, and nature of your event can all contribute to what outfit you choose to wear out. 

The Company

What kind of dress code does your company enforce on a daily basis? If you work somewhere where business professional attire is the norm, a company picnic may give you the chance to break out your business casual attire. Alternatively, a business that has a more relaxed dress code may encourage you to wear graphic t-shirts and jeans to your upcoming picnic.

When in doubt, send an email to HR or the team putting together your event. These parties can help you better understand what dress code may be expected at your upcoming picnic.

The Weather

The last thing you want to do when attending a company picnic is to wear weather-inappropriate clothing. Dress sandals, for example, may be ideal for a sunny May day but can be a pain to wear after rain. Similarly, October weather can leave you shivering in a short sleeve shirt but overheating in a wool coat.

Do yourself a favor and check the weather in the morning before your picnic. Take your time away from writing papers and entrust them to the new AI essay writer, which will help you complete your task perfectly. So long as you have dress staples set aside in your wardrobe, you can vary your options until you find an appropriate mix for the company picnic.

The Location

Finally, consider how “picnic”-oriented your picnic actually is. Some companies prefer to go old-fashioned by setting blankets out on the ground and having guests bring a portion of their own food. In these cases, make sure you’re not wearing any clothing that may be ruined by a grass stain or slight dampness.

Alternatively, some companies prefer to “glamp” or enjoy carefully-cultivated picnics. These events may require you to dress more nicely, either due to the lack of dirt and/or the sense of elegance.

You can check in with HR to determine what kind of picnic it is your company is going to several days before the event itself. The more information you have about the picnic, the more appropriately dressed you’re set to be.

Best Clothing Options for a Company Picnic

When you take the weather, location, and your company into account, you can pull together staple clothing pieces that may suit your upcoming picnic event. Some of your best options may include:

  • A polo, professional khakis, and comfortable shoes
  • A light skirt, blouse, and short-heel sandals
  • Light dress pants, a professional short sleeve shirt

You can alternate these staples based on your picnic’s theme and your company’s general standard of dress.

Making a Good Impression

Making a good impression at a company picnic is important for building relationships with your coworkers and supervisors. Here are some tips to help you shine:

  • Dress Modestly: Choose attire that is modest and respectful of the company culture. A modest summer dress or a cute blouse with cropped pants can be great options.
  • Be Friendly: Be approachable and make an effort to talk to your coworkers and supervisors. Building connections is key.
  • Participate: Join in on activities and games. Show enthusiasm and teamwork, whether you’re playing softball or participating in a team-building exercise.
  • Mind Your Body Language: Be mindful of your body language and nonverbal cues. Project a positive and professional image.
  • Contribute: Bring a dish to share and offer to help with setup and cleanup. This shows that you’re a team player.

By making a good impression, you can build relationships and advance your career.

Dress for Success at Your Next Company Picnic

It can be difficult to know what to wear to a company picnic. In most cases, it’s best to marry your personal style with your company’s expected professionalism. That said, you can also consider the weather and location when putting together your perfect picnic outfit.

Nothing brings a working community together like good food. If you’re looking for a way to spearhead company bonding or celebrate your business’s success, consider the benefits of a company picnic. Company picnics allow your employees to network while you enjoy the fruits of your labor. Contact Frogbridge Events at (609) 208-9475 or fill out our contact form to start planning for your next company-wide event.

Employees enjoying an outdoor picnic. Things to consider when planning an employee appreciation picnic.

4 Tips for Throwing an Employee Appreciation Picnic

Your employees are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, making deals, brainstorming products, and meeting your goals would be impossible. When it comes time to show your team your appreciation, you have a few options. That said, nothing says “thank you” to your hardworking team like an employee appreciation picnic.

It can take more effort than you expect to plan an employee picnic, though. Fortunately, there are tips and tricks you can keep in mind to make your event planning as straightforward as possible.

Involve Your Employees in Planning

Employee appreciation events are all about your team members. Why not consult your team when putting together an event, then? Reach out to your staff and get their opinions on different aspects of the coming event. Some of the best questions to ask include:

  • What does your availability for a large event look like?
  • What foods do you like, and do you have dietary restrictions?
  • Are there activities that you enjoy participating in with your team?
  • What beverages would you like at a picnic?

You can also include questions about preferred personal items or hobbies if you want to integrate those elements into your picnic. For example, you can host a silent auction at your employee appreciation picnic that includes the personal items that your team mentioned enjoying during your initial outreach.

Consider a Potluck

While catered events tend to be less stressful than self-managed ones, you can still get your team in on the fun. Consider asking your employees to bring tableware, small treats, or dishes that mean a lot to them. If you want a more structured food plan, ask your employees to bring snacks or desserts while your caterer handles the bulk of the work.

When you integrate your team’s favorite goods into your event, you can encourage community building. At the same time, you can celebrate the diverse tastes that bring your team together.

Bring Games and Activities

Food and drinks are some of the biggest draws at company appreciation picnics. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have games scattered throughout your event, though. Simple picnic games like cornhole or horseshoes can keep your team occupied as they wait for their teammates to get their food.

Alternatively, you can work with an event manager to arrange team-wide games after the eating’s finished. Icebreakers and trust games can celebrate your team’s success while also building up additional bonds between your staff. These games are particularly useful for cross-department bonding.

Watch the Weather

While you are handling the catering, the events, and the venue, make sure you keep an eye on the weather. While most picnics may take place outside, you can move your event indoors if it looks like the weather is going to take a turn.

Managing a picnic in the face of poor weather is easier when you have a team on hand to help you. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to reach out for help planning your company picnic. Our team can help with set-up, tear-down, and every element in between.

Let’s Plan Your Next Company Picnic

Company picnics can serve a variety of purposes. If you want to encourage your employees to get to know one another, picnics are informal events ideal for inter-department networking. You can also use a company picnic as a celebratory event, bringing a company together to reap the benefits of your hard work.

You don’t have to plan a company picnic on your own, though. Instead, you can contact Frogbridge Events. Our corporate event venues in Central Jersey specialize in helping you bring together the venue, catering, and activities they need to make a picnic truly memorable. You can contact us at (609) 208-9475 or fill out our contact form for more information about our services.

Why Your Leadership Team Needs a Corporate Retreat

Why Your Leadership Team Needs a Corporate Retreat

A company’s leadership is vital to the success of the company. Their direction helps everyone work together towards the company’s goals. A company’s leadership that isn’t on the same page means that the rest of the company isn’t on the same page. This disconnection can cause problems. It’s important to make sure the leadership team is strong to help keep the company strong. However, the bigger the company and the more departments there are, the more likely everyone will stick to their own corners and rarely communicate with the other team members. A corporate retreat for the leadership team allows them to reconnect and find common ground to continue working together as a team for the company’s success.

3 Benefits of Hosting a Corporate Retreat for your Leadership Team

Corporate retreats for your leadership team can positively impact your team and the growth of the business. Getting away from the office environment can help increase productivity and creativity within your leadership team. There are many benefits to hosting a corporate retreat for your leadership team, including:

Improving Relationships

When leaders are busy handling their part of the workload and rushing to stay on top of deadlines, they may neglect or be unable to form connections with one another. Their interactions may be purely transactional. Leaders who take the time to build more trust and relationships with one another work more effectively and can solve problems more quickly and effectively.

Allow the Team to Recharge

Corporate retreats are a place to approach conversations about work, such as discussing new project ideas and deliberating over issues that need addressing, but more importantly, this should be a rest stop for the team. Your team needs to rest and recharge to recalibrate and let the new ideas flow. Leaders who feel worn out or overworked may be unable to address issues with clear minds. A corporate retreat is a time for rest and reflection. 

Assess Progress

It can be easy to become focused on the day-to-day work rather than the direction the work is going. Retreats allow teams to examine the work they’ve been doing and determine if it’s in the right direction. During these discussions, critical questions can be pondered and addressed. If there needs to be a course correction, a leadership team retreat gives them the opportunity to approach problems with a new fresh perspective. 

Work With Frogbridge Events to Plan Your Next Leadership Retreat 

A leadership retreat is important to the success and growth of a company. Frogbridge Events understands the importance of corporate retreats and is dedicated to helping a company’s event be a hit for its staff. Our planners have extensive experience helping companies plan their retreats by guiding them through every step, from catering to security. We take care of every detail to ensure the success of the retreat and that everyone is able to get the most out of their experience. 

Frogbridge Events would be thrilled to help your leadership find the rest and refreshment they need. You can contact us at (609) 208-9475 or fill out our contact form.

The Best Company Picnic Games for Large Groups

The Best Company Picnic Games for Large Groups

Company picnics are about generating community bonding and creating a space where the whole staff feels involved. However, it can be challenging to get everyone mingling if no set activities are laid out. Planning out games for large groups encourages people to participate. Getting the entire company involved in a game is a great icebreaker and may motivate everyone to mingle. A good company picnic feels like appreciation for everyone’s hard work and helps everyone feel more connected as a team.

Top 11 Company Picnic Games for Large Groups

A lot of thought goes into planning and organizing a company picnic. Much of the focus lies in the food, location, date, and time, so activities can sometimes be forgotten or loosely planned. Games and activities are important to company picnics; they motivate the team and entertain them. Here are some games to consider including in your next company picnic.

  • Soccer game
  • Ultimate frisbee
  • Wiffleball
  • Kickball
  • Potato sack race
  • Four-legged race
  • Tug-of-war
  • Capture the flag
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Charades
  • Giant Twister
  • Giant Jenga
  • Yahtzee
  • Freeze tag
  • Red light, green light
  • Musical chairs
  • Trivia games

Regardless of the game you play, what’s important is that they’re activities your employees will enjoy. If your employees are not fond of sports, charades or scavenger hunts may be more enjoyable for your company. It may be a good idea to include your staff in planning out the games for the picnic. The last thing you want is to have games set for the day, but no one wants to participate because it’s not something they enjoy. 

Company picnics are to thank everyone in the company for their hard work and dedication; the whole event should be centered around them. An excellent way to gauge what your staff wants for the picnic is to send out a survey or appoint a team to take charge of the picnic. What’s important is that everyone feels appreciated and has a chance to feel connected with everyone else in the company, especially if they are from different departments. 

Plan Your Next Company Event at Frogbridge Events in New Jersey 

At Frogbridge Events, you and your employees can have a fun company picnic that is a truly unique experience. Our event planners have the necessary experience to plan corporate events for numerous companies of all sizes. We are here to make your event a hit with all your employees. Our venue offers a variety of entertainment options, including music, inflatable amusement, and a variety of performers. Our goal is to help you host an unforgettable event that demonstrates your gratitude to your employees. Frogbridge will provide you with an expert planning guide dedicated to helping you plan the perfect event. Our planner will take care of every detail, from catering to security, making sure your company event is easy to plan and stress-free.

You can call us at (609) 208-9475 or fill out our contact form for more information and start your company event planning today. Let Frogbridge Events help you plan the perfect company picnic for your hardworking staff.

Cautious covid coworkers

How to Host a Corporate Retreat during COVID

During the COVID pandemic, people have discovered numerous ways to stay connected while keeping themselves and each other safe and healthy. Corporate retreats are typically offsite getaways where everyone is in close contact so they can get to know each other and bond. While COVID has complicated the way we socialize, it is still possible to have valuable quality time with your colleagues. There are numerous creative ways to host a corporate retreat while still following COVID guidelines.

Host a Virtual Retreat That Your Employees Can Join From Home

The pandemic has made the world aware of how easy it is to host virtual events. Using some user-friendly and accessible tools, you can host a corporate retreat online. Online events are the most effective way to hold an event while social distancing. Since employees can attend from wherever they are and don’t need to be in person, there is no risk of spreading illness to each other.

While meeting on a platform like a Zoom or Google Hangouts, you can host your retreat online while incorporating various other activities to keep it engaging and promote team-building, such as:

  • Wellness workshops with nutrition classes, yoga, and exercise they can do at home
  • Mindfulness exercises that help employees reduce their stress and anxiety
  • Trivia competitions where employees can work together to win a prize
  • Team-building games that allow employees to get to know each other while having fun
  • Arts and crafts that are simple and employees can follow along with guided tutorials

While planning out these activities, consider testing them to ensure they work well in a video-conferencing setting. During the retreat, encourage your team members to turn on their cameras, take pictures of themselves participating, and share them. 

Host an Outdoor Retreat With COVID Safe Activities

Hosting outdoor events is a great way to spend time with people safely. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, outdoor activities that leave lots of space between participants pose a lower risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. Even without a mask, you’re less likely to be exposed to COVID-19 while you’re outside. 

The fresh air continuously moves around and scatters everyone’s respiratory droplets, so participants are less likely to inhale enough virus-containing respiratory droplets to get sick. There are numerous great activities that you can incorporate into your outdoor corporate retreat, including biking, rock climbing, skiing, and hiking.

Encourage Employees to Get Vaccinated, Tested, or Wear Masks

Health screening, vaccination, and COVID testing can keep employees safe when arranging an in-person corporate retreat during COVID. While symptoms and transmission are greatly diminished for the vaccinated, it’s still possible to spread the virus, so screenings and testing are still valuable prevention methods. 

You can screen employees by asking them to complete a health questionnaire that asks about their exposure to the virus and the presence of symptoms. In some areas, you may be able to have a rapid testing service on-site. Also, providing employees with good-quality masks can effectively reduce the spread of Coronavirus. Masks reduce the respiratory droplets that enter the air, so encouraging employees to wear masks when they meet in person is a useful preventative measure.

Discuss COVID Safety Options With the Event Experts at Frogbridge

The pandemic has made people aware of the importance of practices that keep us all safe and healthy. As we all work together to overcome the pandemic, working with experienced people you can trust is essential. Frogbridge Events can provide you with expert event planners who work with you to coordinate a safe event during COVID.

Frogbridge has ample space for outdoor activities, and guests have access to sporting fields and facilities, a pool complex, a lakefront area, and much more. Frogbridge Events provides an opportunity for your team to bond in a fun, active setting. Contact us via our contact form or by phone at (609) 208-9475 to begin planning your team’s corporate retreat.

carbon neutral corporate events

Tips for Creating a Carbon Neutral Corporate Event

Over time, companies have realized that they could be doing more to help the environment. Many initiatives have cropped up to serve this purpose in many forms. One area that is often overlooked is the reality of corporate events. Like any other event, corporate events produce much waste and require significant carbon emissions.

As the state of the environment worsens, it’s understandable that you may be looking for ways for your business to put on their event while still being mindful of the environmental costs to do so. You should know that holding a carbon-neutral corporate event is possible by changing a few practices. A carbon-neutral event is when the amount of carbon emissions produced equals the amount eliminated. Creating such an event could be overwhelming without the help of the experienced event planners at Frogbridge Events.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle What You Plan to Use at Your Event

One of the first principles people learn for protecting the environment is encompassed in the simple mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle”. As you’re planning your event, there are likely items you frequently purchase that you may realize aren’t essential to the success of your event. Instead of relying on creating all new products, think of ways to use what you already have.

Additionally, provide alternatives to single-use items. Think about where you can swap single-use items with ones that could be reused or given new life after the event is over. Finally, look for opportunities to use items that can be easily recycled and make recycling easy for your guests by ensuring there are plenty of accessible receptacles. 

Use Sustainably Sourced Materials at Your Event

Going the extra mile to use sustainably sourced materials for your event will significantly reduce its carbon emissions. Look for ways to use natural materials and work with vendors where you can know the whole supply chain is delivering on best practices. Look for FSC-certified products and materials, meaning they were made from natural, recycled, or reclaimed materials. 

You can also let it be known to your suppliers that you are placing restrictions on the types of products and materials you’re allowing in your event.

Make a Plan to Offset Your Event’s Remaining Carbon Emissions

Beyond the products you use, there must also be a consideration for the energy you use. Energy and fuel are required to transport products and attendees to the event. You can reduce your carbon footprint from transportation through carpooling, consolidating cargo, and scheduling flights strategically, but much of those emissions will remain and need to be offset somehow. 

While planning your event, find a reliable way to measure the carbon emissions your event will produce and use that to calculate how much you need to offset and make the necessary changes to do so. To reduce your energy consumption, replace what you can with renewable energy sources. For your menu, choose produce that is plant-based, local, and in season. You could also think of fun activities to offset your carbon emissions, like working together to plant trees or fund other conservation efforts.

Plan Your Ideal Corporate Event at Frogbridge

Our event planners have helped plan many successful corporate events or Fortune 500 companies, so they are well-equipped to help you organize your carbon-neutral event. They are adaptable and persistent in their approach, and their experience is evident in all their work.

At Frogbridge Events, we will collaborate with you from the very beginning to design a timeline and prepare every aspect of your event. Reach out to our team, so we can handle the planning of your next corporate event for you. To start planning your event, call us at (609) 208-9475 or submit our contact form.

Outdoor team building with employees

4 Benefits of Outdoor Team Building

Team building exercises are a well-known tool to strengthen coworkers’ teamwork skills. When people think of team-building exercises, they often imagine their team being forced together inside a stuffy conference room performing trust falls. Plenty of companies make great use of indoor spaces and have valuable indoor team-building activities. However, you shouldn’t underestimate the impact of outdoor team building. 

Engaging your team members in an outdoor setting can have many benefits that positively impact your team. If you’re interested in planning an outdoor corporate team-building event, consider working with the experienced event planners at Frogbridge Events.

Doing Activities Outside Will Energize Your Team

Indoors can feel stifling. The lack of walls and the presence of fresh air will give your team the energy boost they need to participate and collaborate actively. Outdoors, you typically have more space to move around and fresh air to breathe. A change of scenery can be galvanizing as a nice change of pace invigorates your team. 

Outdoors also allows people to interact actively as the environment creates a fun dynamic among team members. We spend much of the workday indoors, so getting out for a change is likely to be refreshing. A conference room is no longer a constraint for you and your team, which can be liberating.

The Outdoors Are a Quiet and Relaxing Environment

While exciting, cities are also stressful. There’s always something happening and people around, which is not the best environment to be in when you’re trying to rest and recoup the energy you lost from your regular day-to-day activities. 

The outdoors are significantly quieter than the city or even suburban areas. The only noise present is the background noise of nature: birdsongs, crickets, the rustle of leaves as squirrels scurry around. The quiet and relative stillness of the outdoors is calming and peaceful.

Outdoor Activities Are Great for Building Bonds

The outdoors suits more active and relaxed team-building activities, so leadership has more options regarding what types of activities to plan. Mainly, many outdoor activities are suitable for collaboration and teamwork, encouraging your team members to rely on each other and become more familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Being Active Outside Can Improve Your Health

Spending time outside, and enjoying outdoor activities, especially athletic ones, are fun ways to improve your health while also spending time with your team members. Enjoying outdoor activities together as a team is a fun way to get exercise while building bonds. We spend much of our work time seated while indoors for extended periods, so bonding in the fresh air and being active is a good alternative.

Plan the Perfect Outdoor Company Retreat at Frogbridge Events

Frogbridge Events allows visitors to bond in a fun, active environment. By planning your corporate retreat with us, you allow your employees to truly connect through fun activities while enjoying the ambiance of New Jersey’s outdoors. As guests, you will have access to sporting fields and facilities, a pool complex, a lakefront area, and much more. To start planning your team’s outdoor team building escape, contact us online through our contact form or by calling us at (609) 208-9475.

Excellent place for events of any kind.
– Xavier V.